Massage Therapy CEs | Massage Concepts and Techniques
Stretching Anatomy
Massage Therapy continuing education CEs awarded: 14
Course classification: Cognitive (course materials consist of concepts related to massage therapy but do not teach a specific hands-on modality). "General" for CE Broker purposes, which means that only 5 CEs will apply to a Florida license renewal. Institute of Somatic Therapy will automatically report your hours to CE Broker in applicable states ONLY IF you have provided your license number in your online account with us.
Approved by: Institute of Somatic Therapy (Judith Koch) is approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #280672-00) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Institute of Somatic Therapy is approved by Florida (#MCE-326), and New York (#0019). Our courses are also valid for AMTA, ABMP, and most individual states. Some states limit how many hours can be done online or by home study. Please refer to our State Guidelines section for specific information about your state. Laws can and do change, and your state will hold you responsible for knowing the laws that apply to you.
- Materials by mail, and online test: $119
- "Test Only", you will provide your own textbook and take the online test: $79 Because many of our students already own this text, or prefer to purchase a used copy, we now offer the test and continuing education credits in order to accomodate each student's individual preference on how they obtain the textbook. By enrolling in the "test only" option, nothing will be mailed to you. The "test only" option from us is just that, the test only. There is no separate course materials from us beyond the online test. We can email you a study guide at your request. When you log in to access the course through our site, all you will be able to access is the online test.
Testing: You complete your test online, and immediately upon passing, print your certificate.
Course Materials: Textbook: Stretching Anatomy (Nelson, Kokkonen), Third edition
Course Description: In this cognitive course, massage therapists will learn to identify the primary and secondary muscles used during 70 range of motion stretches for seven body regions: 1) neck, 2) shoulder, back and chest, 3) arm, wrist and hand, 4) lower trunk, 5) hip, 6) knee and thigh, and 7) foot and calf. Therapists will learn the proper form and effect of each stretch, and see how it interacts with surrounding joints and muscles. Therapists will also learn about different types of stretches, benefits of stretching, and recommendations for stretching programs to aid in soreness recovery and injury rehabilitation. This course does not teach therapists how to perform these stretches during a massage, although some of them are adaptable. The focus of the course is to show how to perform self-stretches for every major muscle group of the body, and is useful for teaching clients stretches that can benefit them between sessions.
Publisher's Description of Textbook: See inside every stretch—and maximize flexibility! Stretching Anatomy will arm you with the knowledge to increase range of motion, supplement training, enhance recovery, and maximize efficiency of movement. You’ll also gain a detailed understanding of how each stretch affects your body.
Stretching Anatomy is like having an X-ray of each stretch, only better. Not only do you see full-color illustrations of the muscles in action, but you also find out how changes in position can alter the muscle emphasis and difficulty and how variations can improve safety and effectiveness.
Each exercise includes detailed instruction on how to stretch, when to stretch, primary and secondary muscle emphasis, and which muscles are activated for support. Stretching programs provide three levels of difficulty, including light stretching that can be used as a warm-up or to aid in recovery from soreness or injury. And summary movement tables show how to customize stretching programs to focus on key problem areas.
Whether it is increased flexibility or reduced muscle soreness or tension, Stretching Anatomy allows you to see and feel the benefit of proper stretching technique.
Chapter 1. Neck
Chapter 2. Shoulders, Upper Back, and Upper Chest
Chapter 3. Arms, Wrists, and Hands
Chapter 4. Lower Trunk
Chapter 5. Hip
Chapter 6. Knees and Thighs
Chapter 7. Calves and Feet
If you are interested in this massage therapy CEU course, other courses that might be of interest to you are: Faciliated PNF Stretching, Sports and Exercise Massage
Will your online testing work on my phone, tablet, or other device? Since technology continues its rapid pace forward, it is impossible for us to provide a current and complete list of all devices on which our courses will work. We invite you to take our free sample course so that you can personally test if the online content and streaming video work on your device.
What happens if I fail the test? Do I have to pay again? No. If you happen to fail our test, you can continue to retest until you do pass at no additional charge. With most of our courses, as noted above, the test will be different each time you take it. You can print out your test results to use as a reference for studying before taking the test again.
What is the difference between cognitive and kinesthetic courses? Cognitive courses are those that teach concepts related to massage therapy, but do not teach specific hands-on techniques. Courses such as ethics, pathology, anatomy, and research are classified as cognitive. Kinesthetic courses are those that teach specific hands-on techniques that you can use on clients during a massage therapy session. Some states limit how many kinesthetic courses can be completed in an online or home study setting. Refer to our state guidelines page for specifics about your state.
Do you report our course completions to the NCBTMB, ABMP, AMTA, or any other agencies? None of these agencies have a method for us to report to them on your behalf. They prefer that you provide the evidence of CEs that their renewal process details.
To contact the Institute of Somatic Therapy about this or any other massage therapy CEU course, please go to the "contact" link above. Thank you.