Massage Therapy CEs | Pathology
Pathology - Varicose Veins
Massage Therapy Continuing education CEs available: 2
Course classification: Cognitive (course materials consist of concepts related to massage therapy but do not teach a specific hands-on modality)
Approved by: Institute of Somatic Therapy (Judith Koch) is approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #280672-00) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Institute of Somatic Therapy is approved by Florida (#MCE-326), and New York (#0019). Our courses are also valid for AMTA, ABMP, and most individual states. Some states limit how many hours can be done online or by home study. Please refer to our State Guidelines section for specific information about your state. Laws can and do change, and your state will hold you responsible for knowing the laws that apply to you.
Attention Florida Massage Therapists: This course is approved by Florida as an approved distance learning course for required hours of "relevant to massage therapy" category hours through 8/31/2025. You are still allowed to complete the 12 required "relevant to massage therapy" hours via approved online courses through at least 2025. The approval number for this course is 20-796662.
CE Broker Reporting--Institute of Somatic Therapy will automatically report your hours to CE Broker in applicable states ONLY IF you have provided your license number in your online account with us. You can verify your license information by logging on to our website, and reviewing your account information. If your license is not shown there, please select “edit” to include it. We generally report to CE Broker weekly.
Tuition: $22
Testing: You complete your test online, and immediately upon passing, print your own certificate. To see how our online courses and testing work, we invite you to take our free sample course.
Course Materials: Pathology - Varicose Veins, by Judith Koch
Course Description: This online massage therapy CEU course covers the anatomy, symptoms, and causes of varicose veins. You will study the anatomy of the veins, causes for the development of varicose veins, symptoms of varicose veins, and factors a massage therapist needs to consider when working with clients who have varicose veins.
If you are interested in this massage therapy CEU course, other courses that might be of interest to you are: Pathology - Deep Vein Thrombosis; Pathology - Sciatic Pain
Will your online courses work on my phone, tablet, or other device? Yes. Since technology continues its rapid pace forward, it is impossible for us to provide a current and complete list of all devices on which our courses will work. We invite you to take our free sample course so that you can personally test if the online content and streaming video work on your device.
Can I print the online test to work on it at my convenience? Yes. We provide a study guide with this course that has the test questions and answer choices. You can print it off and work on it as you study. When you are ready to take the test, you will log into the system and supply your answers to the test questions.
What happens if I fail the test? Do I have to pay again? No. If you happen to fail our test, you can continue to retest until you do pass at no additional charge.
Are your online courses downloadable to my computer? No. You must be logged in on our website to view the course materials.
Do you report our course completions to the NCBTMB, ABMP, AMTA, or any other agencies? None of these agencies have a method for us to report to them on your behalf. They prefer that you provide the evidence of CEs that their renewal process details.
To contact the Institute of Somatic Therapy about this or any other massage therapy CEU course, please go to the "contact" link above. Thank you.