Massage Therapy CEs | Florida Laws and Packages
Florida Renewal package - Laws, PME, Ethics, Human Trafficking
CE Hours Earned: 7
Course classification: Cognitive (course materials consist of concepts related to massage therapy but do not teach a specific hands-on modality)
Approved by: Florida Board of Massage Therapy, Provider #MCE-326. CEBroker Provider # 50-1116. CE Broker course # 10-1407612.
Please note: This course is intended for Florida licensees. If you plan to use these hours for a different state or national board, it is your responsibility to determine if that board will accept all seven of these hours, as many will not accept state laws from a different jurisdiction. The NCBTMB does not recognize Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention, so that hour may not count in other jurisdictions either.
Reporting to CE Broker: Institute of Somatic Therapy will report your hours to CE Broker ONLY IF you have provided your license number in your online account with us before you take the online test. We generally report weekly, and more frequently (as often as daily) as the renewal deadline approaches. Once the report shows in your online account with CE Broker, they give you an opportunity to rate the course. If we have earned a good rating from you, we would appreciate you taking the time to share. Thank you.
Course Description: This discount Florida massage therapist renewal package is for therapists who have a valid Florida massage license they are seeking to renew. The package contains the following four courses - click each title for individual course descriptions:
- Florida Laws (2 CEs)
- Prevention of Medical Errors (2 CEs)
- Ethics - Confidentiality (2 CEs)
- Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention (1 CE)
(Please note that one hour of HIV is no longer required for Florida Renewals)
Terms and Conditions: Packages are non-refundable. No additional coupon offers can be applied to packages. Packages are not retroactive. If you have already enrolled in any of the above courses, we are unfortunately not able to credit that tuition for an upgrade to this package. It is not possible given the way our package system operates in our website backend.
Tuition: $43 To enroll: Simply click the green "buy now" button. You will see the course in your shopping cart, with the option to continue shopping (if you want to enroll in more than one course) or checkout. Once you click checkout, it will take you through the process of creating a new account if you do not have one, or logging into an existing account if we find an account already associated with your email address. You do not need to have an existing account before you add a course to your shopping cart.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is for Florida licensees in good standing seeking to renew a valid Florida massage therapy license. If you have a lapsed Florida license that you are trying to bring back up to good standing, you most likely need our 10 hour Florida Laws course.
Are your online courses downloadable to my computer? You must be logged in on our website to view at least some of the course materials. Many of our courses do have downloadable files.
Will your online courses work on my phone, tablet, or other device? Yes. Since technology continues its rapid pace forward, it is impossible for us to provide a current and complete list of all devices on which our courses will work. We invite you to take our free sample course so that you can personally test if the online content and streaming video work on your device.
Can I print the online test to work on it at my convenience? Yes. We provide a study guide with this course that has the test questions and answer choices. You can print it off and work on it as you study. When you are ready to take the test, you will log into the system and supply your answers to the online test questions.
What happens if I fail the test? Do I have to pay again? No. If you happen to fail our test, you can continue to retest until you do pass at no additional charge.
Do you report our course completions to CE Broker or the Florida Board of Massage? Yes, ONLY if you have a Florida license number listed on your online account with us.
To contact the Institute of Somatic Therapy about this or any other massage therapy CEU course, please go to the "contact" link above. Thank you.