Massage Therapy CEs | Florida Laws and Packages
Florida Laws & Rules - 10 hours #20-308410
Massage Therapy continuing education CEs awarded: 10 for Florida, 6.5 for NCBTMB
NCBTMB NOTE: The NCBTMB will only accept 6.5 hours of this course for their CE purposes. If you intend to use this course for the NCBTMB, you must contact us to request a certificate with only 6.5 hours that you submit to the NCBTMB. Not valid for CEs other than Florida or NCBTMB purposes.
Course classification: Cognitive (course materials consist of concepts related to massage therapy but do not teach a specific hands-on modality)
Approved by: The Florida Board of Massage Therapy, Provider #MCE-326. CEBroker Provider # 50-1116, CE Broker Course Tracking Number #20-308410. Valid for 6.5 hours with the NCBTMB, only if you contact us to create a special certificate for use with NCBTMB that reflects 6.5 hours instead of 10. Not valid for continuing education requirements outside of Florida.
Course Description: This online continuing education course is designed for massage therapists who are moving to Florida, or seeking Florida licensure for the first time, and did not have the 10 hours of Florida Laws in their original massage schooling. It is designed for massage therapists who were trained in other states who now wish to become licensed in the State of Florida. This satisfies the 10 CE Florida Laws requirement for initial Florida massage therapy licensure. The course covers the current laws that apply to the practice of massage therapy in the state of Florida as contained in Chapter 456, Health Professionals and Occupations: General Provisions; Chapter 480, Massage Practice; and Rule 64B7 – Rules related to Chapter 480.
Tuition: $25 for online course and testing. You have one year from enrollment date to complete the course.
Human Trafficking: We also offer a 1 CE course in Human Trafficking, found here.
Testing: You complete your test online, and immediately upon passing, print your certificate. To see how our online courses and testing work, we invite you to take our free sample course.
Course Materials: The course consists of an online summary of the laws and rules that apply to massage therapists. There are also PDF files (downloadable) of the full text of the laws, and a study guide, which consists of the test questions you will be required to answer when you access the online test.
Instructor: Judith Koch
Upon completion: If you do not yet have a Florida massage license (MA number), it is your responsibility to notify the Florida Board of Massage Therapy of your completion of the required courses. You will be able to print extra certificates of completion, or save the certificate on your computer to email to the board. We can only report your hours directly to CE Broker if you already have a Florida Massage License, and if you provided that license number to us when you created your online account with us when you enrolled. We report completion only on Florida licenses for this course. Other states do not accept this course for CEs.
Student Comments: "This was my third on-line CE course. I only wish that I had taken the other two through you. This class is presented very well and clear. For such a dry topic it was informative and held my interest. Thank you!!!!" Myrna Silva, Lake City, FL
Becoming Licensed in Florida: Massage Therapists who wish to become licensed in Florida have two different options:
1. Licensure by endorsement is available to massage therapists who have a minimum of 500 hours of massage therapy education from a board approved facility, hold a current (cannot be expired or suspended) license in another state, and have successfully completed one of the examinations accepted by Florida (see below.) Here is the Florida official link for more information on this option: http://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/licensing/licensed-massage-therapist-lmt-by-endorsement
2. Licensure by examination is available to massage therapists who have a minimum of 500 hours of massage therapy education, but either do not hold a current license in another state or have not successfully completed one of the examinations accepted by Florida. (See below.) Here is the Florida official link for more information on this option: http://floridasmassagetherapy.gov/licensing/licensed-massage-therapist-lmt-by-examination
Regardless of which of the two above methods you are using, applicants may also need to complete up to four additional continuing education courses: 10 hours of Florida Law (the page you are now on), 3 hours of HIV/AIDS, 2 hours of Prevention of Medical Errors, and 1 hour of Human Trafficking.
Testing Options:
At the time this article was written, there were four available options for the examination requirement:
1. Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) administered by FSMTB.
2. National Certification Examination in Therapeutic Massage (NCETM) administered by NCBTMB.
3. National Certification Examination in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB) administered by NCBTMB.
4. National Exam for State Licensure (NESL) administered by NCBTMB. The NESL exam option is no longer available, but will still be accepted if taken prior to its retirement on December 31, 2012.
For more information, you can contact the Florida Board of Massage as follows:
PHONE: (850) 245-4161
FAX: (850) 921-6184
Are your online courses downloadable to my computer? You must be logged in on our website to view at least some of the course materials. Many of our courses do have downloadable files.
Will your online courses work on my phone, tablet, or other device? Yes. Since technology continues its rapid pace forward, it is impossible for us to provide a current and complete list of all devices on which our courses will work. We invite you to take our free sample course so that you can personally test if the online content and streaming video work on your device.
Can I print the online test to work on it at my convenience? Yes. We provide a study guide with this course that has the test questions and answer choices. You can print it off and work on it as you study. When you are ready to take the test, you will log into the system and supply your answers to the test questions.
What happens if I fail the test? Do I have to pay again? No. If you happen to fail our test, you can continue to retest until you do pass at no additional charge.
Do you report our course completions to CE Broker or the Florida Board of Massage? ONLY if you have a Florida license (MC12345 styled license number), and have that linked to your online account with us before you complete the online test, will we report to CE Broker. If you only have a Florida application number and are not yet officially licensed, it is the responsibility of the applicant to report this course completion as part of your application process.
To contact the Institute of Somatic Therapy about this or any other massage therapy CEU course, please go to the "contact" link above. Thank you.