Massage Therapy CEs | Massage Concepts and Techniques
Anatomy Fascial Lines
Massage Therapy CEs earned with this course: 25
Classification of CEs: Cognitive (concepts related to massage therapy but not a specific hands-on modality). "General" for CE Broker purposes, which means that only 5 CEs will apply to a Florida license renewal. Institute of Somatic Therapy will automatically report your hours to CE Broker in applicable states ONLY IF you have provided your license number in your online account with us.
Approved by: Institute of Somatic Therapy (Judith Koch) is approved by the NCBTMB (Provider #280672-00) as a continuing education Approved Provider. Institute of Somatic Therapy is approved by Florida (#MCE-326), and New York (#0019). Our courses are also valid for AMTA, ABMP, and most individual states. Some states limit how many hours can be done online or by home study. Please refer to our State Guidelines section for specific information about your state. Laws can and do change, and your state will hold you responsible for knowing the laws that apply to you.
- "By Mail" option: To receive a new copy of the textbook, Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers, the tuition for the textbook and online test is $219 plus shipping, which will be calculated at checkout. You will study the textbook and then take the test online. Shipping on this title is often delayed, and could easily take two or more weeks to arrive. If you are against a tight deadline or tight budget, we recommend that you order an online version through the bookseller of your choie, and use the "test only" option to take the test and earn your CEs. We have been told that it is available on the Apple store for $68, along with our test only option of $109 would bring your total to $177.
- "Test Only" option: Because many of our students already own this text, or prefer to purchase an electronic version or a used copy, we now offer the test and continuing education credits as a "test only" where you supply your own textbook. By enrolling, nothing will be mailed to you. The "test only" option from us is just that, the test only. There is no separate course materials from us beyond the test. We can email you a study guide at your request. When you log in to access the course through our site, all you will be able to access is the online test. Tuition for this option: $109 US.
Testing: You can complete your test online, and instantly print your certificate upon completion. To see how our online testing works, we invite you to take our free sample course.
CE Broker Reporting: Institute of Somatic Therapy will automatically report your hours to CE Broker in applicable states ONLY IF you have provided your license number in your online account with us. You can verify your license information by logging on to our website, and reviewing your account information. If your license is not shown there, please select “edit” to include it.
Course Description: As a massage therapist, have you ever considered how various muscles that might seem unrelated actually do impact on each other? This course is a wonderful refresher on the fascial anatomy and major muscles of the body, yet it goes much deeper than that. You will learn how major muscles work together in myofascial meridians, such as superficial back muscles like the gastrocnemius impact on the erector spinae, or lateral muscles like the TFL at the thigh impact the SCM at the neck. Without this understanding, a problem in one area that is impacting a seemingly unrelated area will go unnoticed and unaddressed.
You will also learn how muscles compensate for shortness or lengthening of companion muscles. More importantly, you will learn a five-step method to assess structural and movement patterns to guide you in developing a strategy to provide appropriate manual therapy. If you want your knowledge of anatomy and interrelated muscle group to increase dramatically, and with it your ability to address the true causes of your massage clients' muscle restrictions, this is the course for you.
Student Comment: "For what I got out of it, this represents a great value in education. When I cleaned out my bookcase, I found the texts from past courses I've taken and realized they've sat there unused after I earned my crdit hours. This course, however, is already in use and has added a valuable tool to my treatment." Carrie L. Schoomer, Colorado
Student Comment: "I love your classes! =) They aren't flimsy and weak like some at-home CEU credit courses." Dulcie Marshall, Saranac Lake, NY. Courses Dulsie has completed: Low Back Disorders; Ethics of Touch; Anatomy Fascial Lines and Communicable Diseases
Publisher's Description of Textbook:
Get a multi-dimensional understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy with Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual Therapists & Movement Professionals, 4th Edition. This hugely successful, one-of-a-kind title continues to center on the application of anatomy trains across a variety of clinical assessment and treatment approaches — demonstrating how painful problems in one area of the body can be linked to a "silent area" away from the problem, and ultimately giving rise to new treatment strategies. This edition has been fully updated with the latest evidence-based research and includes new coverage of anatomy trains in motion using Pilates-evolved movement, anatomy trains in horses and dogs, and the updated fascial compendium on elements, properties, neurology, and origins of the fascial system. It also offers a new, larger library of videos, including animations and webinars with the author. In all, this unique exploration of the role of fascial in healthy movement and postural distortion is an essential read for physical therapists, massage therapists, craniosacral therapists, yoga instructors, osteopathologists, manual therapists, athletic and personal trainers, dance instructors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and any professional working in the field of movement.
What is the study guide that comes with the course? The course study guide is a copy of the questions you will find on the online exam. As you study the course materials, you can fill in the answers on the guide, to refer to when you complete the online exam. We do not provide page numbers where you will find the answers to the questions, because we want you to study the entire course materials, not just flip to a page to find an answer to a test question. Because the study guide contains the actual test questions, we do not provide an answer key. It is your job to find the answers as you study. You will get your grade when you complete the online exam.
What happens if I fail the test? Do I have to pay again? No. If you happen to fail our test, you can continue to retest until you do pass at no additional charge. With most of our courses, as noted above, the test will be different each time you take it. You can print out your test results to use as a reference for studying before taking the test again.
What is the difference between cognitive and kinesthetic courses? Cognitive courses are those that teach concepts related to massage therapy, but do not teach specific hands-on techniques. Courses such as ethics, pathology, anatomy, and research are classified as cognitive. Kinesthetic courses are those that teach specific hands-on techniques that you can use on clients during a massage therapy session. Some states limit how many kinesthetic courses can be completed in an online or home study setting. Refer to our state guidelines page for specifics about your state.
To contact the Institute of Somatic Therapy about this or any other massage therapy CEU course, you can email us through the "contact" link above. Thank you.